Derma Spa Laser Clinic

What Are Medical Grade Skin Care Products?

on Wednesday, 03 June 2015. Posted in Dermaspa Blog

Medical Grade Skin Care Products

Is there a difference between Medical Grade Skincare products and over the counter skin care products?

Skin care is the first step to improving the skin. Many people have little knowledge on what types of skin care products to buy. This lack of knowledge making people to spend unnecessary money on a product that will not treat their skin condition effectively. For that reason, it’s important to consult with a qualified skin care professional to determine your skin type and condition.

While over the counter skin care products aren’t necessarily harmful to the skin. These products are less effective. They may have some benefits but can’t fix the real skin problem.

There are 3 main reasons why Medical Grade Skincare products work better than over-the-counter products:

1. Medical Grade Skincare products have higher concentrations of active ingredients than over-the-counter products do. The reason why they can have higher concentrations is because those products are being dispensed and overseen by a Doctor or Physician. These active ingredients can physically change the skin (i.e. reduce wrinkles, brow spots, hyperpigmentation, hydrate and repair etc.) These products are only available through doctors.

2. The other major difference between Medical Grade and over-the-counter skincare products are the ability of the product to penetrate into the skin. Many over-the-counter products sit on the surface of the skin, while medical grade products penetrate the epidermis or top layer of skin to work deeper in the skin.

3. Medical Grade products provide real results. Medical Grade Products can actually transform the skin because the ingredients can repair the skin at the deep layers, where the problems arise and collagen, elastin reside as well as where new cells are produced.

Medical Grade Skincare products are safer, more effective, better quality and proven through science.

Written by Reena S.

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